Eating spagetti and meatballs with chopsicks
Jacob continues to do well.....needless to say since my posts get further and further apart!!! we have been busy!!! So many things have happend...Jacob has gone to school with Jade the past two Thursdays...he loves it!!! He fits right in and has already made some friends...He has skyped with his friend Braydon (Ji Ke Ping who is from his room in the orphanage and who lives in TX now) is funny because Braydon has been home for almost a year and won't speak Chinese to Jacob and yet Jacob doesn't have enough English under his belt yet to keep up a they pretty much make faces at each other!!! In talking to Braydon's mom I found out we are all going to be in Maine this summer at the samet ime and only like 45min. apart...We are going to get our families together....I can't wait until the boys see each other again!! Jacob talks quite a bit about China thru our interpeter Ling Sun....he says the most random day we were riding in the car and he told Ling Sun that his one friend in the orphanage peed blood!!! That was an interesting comment....I bet there are some pretty sick kids sad....
I have been planning the kids summer activities so I asked Jacob what he used to do at the ophanage when they had summer break...he said he was very bored and they would watch TV sometimes or play games...
I am going to keep the kids pretty busy....we have many visitors coming (which I love), we are going to Maine and RI over 4th of July, we are going to WI in Aug. I am going to fill in a few weeks with summer camps and swimming lessons....speaking of swimming lessons...Jacob has had 3 lessons so far and loves it!! he is becoming a good little swimmer and what a water lover...Now that our pool is open I keep a VERY close eye on him....We are in the process of planting a garden...I want Jacob to know where food really comes from!!! it is funny because I am sure he is used to being fed in a big dinning room type situation....he is always very impatient for food to come....because I am actually cooking it he needs to understand it takes time and you don't always eat at the same time every night....
Today...I took the kids to Dorney Park!!! Jacob has never been to an amusement type park before...He LOVED it!!! I started him out on the small rides but soon he was fearless and soon going on rides with Caleb...the joy I saw today come out of him was priceless!!! I think we have a little daredevil on our hands!!!
I have caught Jacob calling me Mama or Mommy a few times...he still points and grunts at me most of the time but atleast I know it won't be long before he calls me Mom all the time....It is funny because if he says Mama and one of the kids are around and hears him they make a big deal out of it...
Paul has been gone the last 3 nights traveling for work...and all the kids talked to him on the phone last night...when it was Jacob's turn he talked to Paul then said "I love you daddy" cute again I don't know if he means it or if he is just saying it because the other kids said it...but we will take it either way...
I think having Jacob around has sparked an interest with Lily atleast about being adopted...she said to me the other day..."Mom was I adopted like Jacob?" I said yes but you were a little baby and you don't remember...she then said "is my China Mom dead?" I said no but I am sure she is still in China and probably thinks of you everyday....she was happy with that explanation and walked away...
I am sure over the years these 3 children of mine will have many questions that I won't have answers for...but I will always try to give them a positive response...Have a great Memorial Day weekend.....enjoy some recent pictures...

The slip and slide
Computer kids
Love the roller coaster ride!!!
Jacob's very 1st amusment ride