On Wednesday our guide picked us up and we stopped at a temple in Beijing. It was a very beautiful place too bad it was pouring rain…Unfortunately, during our stay in China we have seen a lot of rain…After the temple we stopped at a museum. The museum site had the unearthed temple site. In the late 1980’s someone was building a hotel when the temple was found. The unearthed many beautiful items along with the body of the king that was buried there. Paul loves stuff like that and again Jacob was not very impressed…After the museum we went to a tea ceremony…We were able to try many different tea’s and bought some really good ones. Caleb has been drinking tea the whole time we have been in China he really likes it….Hopefully that will continue once he returns to the U.S., Jacob doesn’t like tea. After the tea ceremony we headed over to the White Swan Hotel. The White Swan hotel is pretty famous for the fact that is used to be close to the former U.S. embassy and pretty much all adoptive families stayed there while in Guangzhou. It is tradition to get your child’s picture taken on one of their red couches. Needless to say Jacob is not a big fan of getting his picture taken so we got a few pictures but in none of them is he smiling…We then headed over to the U.S. Embassy as we had our 3:30 appointment. There were about 15 to 20 families there with us. You could tell most of the kids in the room were special needs and only a few babies. The lady from the embassy said they processed 3000 adoptions (which is way down from what it used to be) and that over 60% of the adoptions were for special needs kids. I guess that is one good thing about the decrease of healthy babies available for adoption is that now many kids who otherwise would not be adopted are!!! When we were done at the Embassy we headed back to our hotel and let the boys swim. When Jacob is in the pool he is happiest…I think he is entering the next stage of this process…which is being pissed off!!! We have had to be pretty stern with him today as he is trying to push our boundaries. When we were at the Embassy he would not sit next to us but would only sit about 4 chairs away…We tried to do a little shopping at the White Swan but after being asked many times not to touch everything he continued so we left….He loves to screw around and wrestle with Caleb and I really think he is starting to bond with him. I am sure it is going to take time and eventually he will start to like Paul and I…I won’t however, allow him to be disrespectful to us…I need to get this kid out of this country!!!! Right now he is in his comfort zone and I think once he gets to the U.S. he will have to rely on us more and hopefully that will help the bonding process...We skyped with Ling Sun today…She introduced herself to Jacob and told him that she will be his teacher once he gets home… I am going to have Ling Sun work with him hopefully Monday thru Friday for 2 to 3 hrs. a day, mainly working on learning English but also working in his Chinese workbooks we bought him. I also want to get him signed up for swimming lessons and hopefully something like gymnastics. Today are guide is going to pick us up and take us to the Jade/Pearl markets.
We really haven’t bought anything on this trip and I hope to pick up a few gifts before we have to head back to the Embassy to pick up Jacob’s passport and visa the LAST step before we come home!!!! Tonight we are staying at a hotel by the airport as the rate at the hotel we are staying at right now doubles …and it will be easier to get to the airport in the morning to catch our 10:10am flight. I am anticipating a pretty unhappy boy tomorrow as I am sure the reality that he is going to the U.S. will finally hit him…I just pray we all get some sleep on the plane ride home!!!!
The Farr Boys goofing around!
Caleb eating. . .something?
Jacob on the Red Couch
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