Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The $500 Lunch....

The Crab Jacob Ordered

I am making a post early today because we have had an interesting one.....Jacob woke up in a BAD mood...he was very sad and again said how much he misses his friends....He wouldn't drink anything for us or change his clothes...he did however, brush his teeth and wash up...We met our guide Cindy in the lobby at 9:15am....We went to the civil affairs office to pick up our official adoption certificate!!! We then went to the office of the notary and had all the documents notorized!!! We then went to the police station in Beijing and applied for his passport....a long morning of waiting...waiting...waiting....both boys were troopers!!! After all the appointments...we back to the hotel for lunch....we went to a upper end Cantonese place...They had a beautiful menu!!! Once again Jacob just stared pointing to things on the menu and wanted to order like 10 things (we let him do this yesterday and ended up with much to much food)...we cut back and still ordered a few dishes he wanted...mind you he pointed to the South China Sea Spotted Crab and the lobster!!!! We decided to order one of them....We asked how much they were...both were VERY expensive but decided to order the lobster because it was a bit cheaper....after all this was a celebration as the Chinese part of the adoption is now done!!! We had a bottle of chardonney and a few other dishes....they delivered the full crab to the table...Jacob saw this and got a REALLY big smile on his face as I am sure he has never seen anything like this...(we just assumed since we ordered the lobster they misunderstood us and we got the crab big deal the extra $$ was worth it just to see the smile)....we continued to eat and many more small dishes were delivered....then came out the lobster!!!! oh boy....they really screwed up the order and we knew it was going to cost us a fortune but again Jacob got a big smile when he saw the crustation delivered to the table...He wasn't crazy about the lobster....oh well....Paul, Caleb and I have had our share of seafood for awhile!!! Jacob told us in Chinese that he wanted to go home except this time he ment up to the room....everytime else he has ment to go home to the another good sign....
We got him up to the room and he agreed to change his clothes...another battle behind us....The orphange people promised Jacob that they would have his friends call him after they were done with school....well, this has yet to happen even though we would sit in our room the past 2 days at 4pm WAITING for the call!!! Today, our WONDERFUL!!! guide Cindy said she would go to the school at dismissal time and wait for the kids and put them on her cell phone....Well we had success!!! She called about 3:05pm and Jacob talked to about 6 of his friends (including the 2 boys who dragged him to the car on Sunday) from the orphanage and 2 of the nannies....he was happy...atleast now maybe he can have a little faith in us that we made this happen even though the orphanage did not!!! Thank you Cindy!!! So far a bad start to the day turned out good...I anticipate that we will be riding this roller coaster for a while!!! The good moments and smiles are soooo worth it!!! he is a sweetheart and has so many things to figure is our job to be there to guide him....Tomorrow we are going to visit the Great Wall of China...we are going to visit a "wild part" not at all touristy I guess we have to walk thru a couple farm fields to get there but it should be worth it....just like the $500 lunch to see a smile!!!

The Lobster


  1. wish I could have been there for that lunch. That didn't suck at all!!! Love ya,Erin

  2. I agree with Erin. . .I had a sandwich yesterday!Love you guys! Kelly
