Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Getting ready to leave Beijing!!!!

I am not sure where I left off but now that we are in Guangzhou I no longer have access to my blog. China doesn’t allow access to social networking sites… I had access in Beijing but not here? I am going to post and have my sister Kelly post them for me.

Jacob has really been coming out of his shell the past few days!!! He is a busy, typical boy full of energy!!! I can tell he is getting more and more comfortable with us everyday…He now will walk around the room in his socks, where before once he got out of bed in the morning he had shoes on from sun up to sun down. Last night he was doing summer salts (sp) in our room and he even put on shorts and flip flops to wear for dinner, where usually his outfit consists of 2 shirts and long johns under his jeans. He now calls Caleb by name (Caler) and says pool (cool)…he won’t call Paul and I Mama and Baba yet . He grunts and points at us when he wants to get our attention, but I am sure over time that too will change. Are last few days in Beijing we did a lot of swimming. He is getting braver!!! When he wanted to go in the deep part of the pool he would put on the floaties that I brought for him but they still didn’t really hold him up so he let me hold him while he tried swimming. Sunday we went to the Great Wall…Wow!!! That is something else….We took a cable car up and walked the wall for about an hour. The views are awesome and would have been better if it wasn’t so overcast that day…Walking the wall is no easy task!!! The stairs are really steep and uneven so it is more like a hike or a climb…We went down on a toboggan like slide I was a little scared but it was easier than I thought it would be…Jacob rode down with Paul and I think he liked it…That night Caleb got a migraine headache and threw up our last full day in Beijing so he spent the day in bed while we took Jacob to the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. Our last night in Beijing we had dinner with our friend Shou Hong. We had a wonderful dinner at Made in China at our hotel. We had Beijing duck and many other wonderful things. After dinner we took the boys to the lounge to listen to music. Tuesday the day we were leaving Beijing was Paul’s birthday…We spent Tuesday morning packing…Jacob, got sad when he saw the luggage sitting in the hallway…we said goodbye to some of the staff at the hotel and he cried a little but not much, by the time we got to the airport he was fine. I was afraid he would cry again once we said goodbye to our guide Cindy but he didn’t have any problem. Like Cindy said he probably thought of her as the mean lady who took him out of the orphanage!!! Our flight to Guangzhou was only 3 hrs. We were met at the airport by our guide Kelly. We had about an hour car ride to our hotel. The scenery here is similar to that of Florida, warm w/palm trees and very green traffic is bad but not as bad as Beijing. We are staying at the Shangri-La hotel in Guangzhou Wow!!! It is beautiful!!! We had dinner reservations for 8pm at the Italian rest. This was an Italian rest. But not your spaghetti and meatballs kind of place….We had a table where we could watch the cooks make dinner. Jacob was not all that impressed…We ordered a cheese and mushroom pizza and he liked that along with the Carpaccio we ordered…Paul, Caleb and I had a pasta dish. Dinner was very good….We then went back to the room and had cake to celebrate Paul’s birthday. Then bed!!!! Good night!!!

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